Thursday, 11 November 2010

Notes from our meeting on 5th November

1. Ex Libris user group conference
1.1. Jenny attended the Ex Libris user group conference earlier this week, and attended a discussion on Verde which was interesting. She spoke to Richard Cross from Nottingham Trent, he is happy for us to contact him and a visit may be possible to see how they use Verde

2. Meeting with David Kay
2.1. James reported on the meeting last week with David Kay from SERO Consulting (attended by JA, RF, AW, SH). David is working with JISC and SCONUL on their shared services plan, and he discussed their upcoming project in relation to ours.
2.2. The project will include around 12 institutions; they will look at their workflows and consider what elements could work at a national level. A lot of the work they will do will be similar to the work we have already done, so we would be brought in as an ‘extra’ institution
2.3. If we join the project, between November and April, we will visit about 6 of the participating institutions; work on a requirements catalogue and workflow templates for other institutions to use; look at open source systems – install, test and rate them; participate in meetings/events; rate the commercial ERMs we have seen; do a costing exercise for the workflows involved
2.4. We will still produce our list of requirements in December as originally planned

3. Feedback from ERM Demos
3.1. Charlotte has been asked for some feedback by some of the ERM suppliers. Can you please send any feedback/questions to Charlotte, particularly for the Swetswise demo as they are waiting for a response

4. Our current processes
4.1. Charlotte has been working on putting our existing workflows into another format. The ‘process map’ document is in the MERI folder on the V drive. Please have a look and make any changes/additions, or pass suggestions to Charlotte who will update it

5. Requirements document
5.1. We discussed whether any further additions need to be made to the requirements list. Jenny is doing some work on this before sending it to David Kay, so if you have any suggestions for items we have missed, please pass them to Jenny by next Tuesday

6. Next meeting
6.1. 12th November 11.00am

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