I spoke to colleagues across the Library, to discuss our current procedures regarding electronic resources – looking at acquisition, licences, statistics and access.
Some things that we currently do, or would like to, are as follows:
Run trials and advertise them on the E-library blog
Licences checked at trial stage – this will be done in future by E-resources co-ordinator (recently appointed)
At the minute, we keep paper copies of licence agreements in filing cabinets – we want to start scanning licences and keeping copies on the V drive instead (this is part of the work being undertaken by our E-resources co-ordinator)
We put information on the intranet e.g. passwords page on the Library website; enquiry desk manual is updated.
At present we collect stats on an ad hoc basis, usually when Academic Support Librarians request them (for renewals, journal reviews etc) – usually we get stats through suppliers, sometimes via SFX; we compare price-per-view
We want to look at collecting stats more regularly & storing them in one place that is easy to find, so that it’s easy to get information when someone requests it. We also have to supply stats externally (SCONUL) so it would be beneficial to collect them ‘as we go’
Currently this can be quite a laborious task; would be beneficial if an ERM could make collection of stats quicker and easier
There are a couple of problems with Talis:
Does the ‘basics’ very well – setting up a record, paying invoices etc.
However, it doesn’t handle pro-rata payments, credits, 2 payments in one financial year etc very well – expected cost is worked out using the final amount spent in a year (doesn’t look at individual payments or period covered)
Doesn’t show changes in format very well – we usually cancel an old record and set up an entirely new one for E-upgrades etc
Hopefully an ERM could deal with issues like these and make it easier to track payments etc
I spoke to some colleagues about access to resources, particularly for external borrowers (Access Salford, partner colleges, SCONUL etc):
External borrowers currently have access to a very limited number of resources on walk-in access PCs. Anyone can use these; there is no difference in Electronic access for reference, SCONUL, Access Salford etc.
There is currently work going on to put together a list of more resources that can be accessed by external borrowers – a significant number of licences allow External Borrower access; it’s a matter of finding out what these resources are, then making them available via the walk-in PCs
There are essentially 2 types of partner college student - if students sign up at the University but study at the college, they are UoS students and have access to all our resources including electronic. If they sign up at the college, they are treated as any other external borrower when using our library, so have the limited access.
We would like to see licence agreements recognise different ‘levels’ of user and make some resources available to external borrowers; however we realise this is down to the licence provider rather than an ERM system. However, if different levels of access could be made available, a system that can deal with this and inform us of those different levels would be desirable.
If a resource is available to external users, we need to know this and make the resource available – we want to be accessible to students on foundation courses for example, in order to get them enrolling on degree courses
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