Friday, 24 September 2010

Minutes from our first 'official' team meeting:

MERI Meeting Minutes
Friday 17th September
CW Meeting Room 2
Chair or Facilitator:

Note Taker:
Charlotte Murray
Regina Ferguson
Angela Walker, Angela Dudley, James Allen, Charlotte Murray, Jenny McNally

1. ERM system demos

1.1. Charlotte is arranging demos with ERM suppliers for 14th-15th and 21st-22nd October. Times etc are still to be finalised in some cases
1.2. For the Swetswise Webinar we’ve been struggling to find a suitable room. Charlotte to contact Training Team to see if they can help
1.3. Jenny to contact Colin Carter from Innovative Interfaces about speaking to him at the LMS Showcase in Manchester on Wed 22nd September
1.4. Charlotte to compile a basic list of requirements before the demos. Please send any ideas for requirements/problems with current processes to Charlotte

2. Contacting current ERM customers

2.1. Ongoing – so far we haven’t had any responses/feedback from current ERM users. Anyone who knows of an institution or contact please let Charlotte know
2.2. Angela W spoken to Andy Land and Nigel Kimber at Manchester who have created an in-house system and is looking into the possibility of a visit to see their system in action

3. Our current processes

3.1. Charlotte is working on flowcharts that map our current processes (Acquisitions, Licensing, Statistics and Access) and has spoken to all members of the team to get their input.
3.2. Charlotte is meeting with Kath Kellet and Dan Leach on Monday 20th Sept to discuss access for external borrowers etc as they have been working the Access Salford scheme. Will also chat to Anna Langley about maintenance of databases

4. Blog

4.1. Charlotte will post meeting minutes on the blog
4.2. Angela will write a post looking at the benefits of our project to the HE community
4.3. Any ideas/suggestions for items to include in the blog, please let Charlotte know

5. JISC Project Manager

5.1. Ben Showers is our new project manager (replacing David Flanders) – Angela W has contacted him to invite him to one of our meetings.

6. Electronic resources Officer

6.1. Jo Willows will be starting this post next week and will be looking at licensing, statistics etc so will become involved in the project too

7. Miscellaneous

7.1. Angela D asked to see the original project bid, blog etc in order to catch up on what has already been done
7.2. Charlotte and Angela W to meet to discuss progress including examples of requirements documents used in RFID project
7.3. The meeting on 1st October will be an extended meeting where we will look at the final drafts of flowcharts etc mapping our current processes

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